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She starts to take it a bit quicker, maintaining eye contact. As she starts going faster, she hums, and the vibrations add the pleasure. Soon she is sucking and going fast as she can go. She looks deep into my eyes, begging for my sweet cum. She goes faster, and soon my hot cum shoots down her throat, and she smiles and laughs, satisfied. She swallows it all. It's my turn. I remove her bra, and play with her large, beautiful titties. I lick them, and squeeze them, and I am rewarded with moans. She moaned deeply, my tongue still in her mouth, and I knew we were not going to stop this time. I plunged two fingers into her tight young pussy and began twisting them slightly. She dug her fingers into my back and sucked harder on my tongue. Quickly, I began to slide my fingers in and out of her, still making my twisting motion. I could tell by her breathing that she was loving it. I figured I would press my luck and placed my thumb on her soft asshole, rubbing it harder and harder, still. Soon as the stream was over, the man grabbed his shaft, pulled the foreskin back to bare his very disproportionately large and thick cock head. Now he began stretching his cock front and sideways, as if he was aware of Myron enjoying the show. His cock started to stretch, just as Myron’s cock did earlier. The thought about the man becoming aroused, made Myron’s cock get hard in a jiffy with very little fondling. The man at the urinal finished peeing, he stuffed his junk back in his pants and. I walked up to my grandparents’ house, expecting to find Ronnie there sleeping it off somewhere, but, to my sad surprise, they said my brother, Jim had left to take him home about an hour before that. Shit— we never did get to talk about any future plan, or anything. I didn’t even know how to get hold of him. Oh well. Jim probably did. It would be alright. I took a walk down to the barn, to make sure everything was OK, and it was, with the exception of a handful of hay that had to be.
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